Wednesday, February 27, 2013

owl drawing

did this the other night in my everyday journal just before going to sleep...
there's my reference picture on the's a Long-Eared Owl

a close-up.

what do you think?


Gwen said...

GREAT! You are going to inspire me to do a daily drawing...
I love this!

Cynthia of Cynful Creations said...

Love it, Dawn! Owls have become my totem animal since I was in Seattle 2 weeks ago and saw one every single day (never a real one, unfortunately! but many different versions - in artwork, advertising, rubber stamps, etc.) Seeing your sketch makes me want to draw one of my own!

Caatje said...

What do I think? I think it's wonderful, that's what I think. I also like the page with the picture of the owl on it. Nice!