I enjoyed another great year at ArtFest!.
I stayed in house 6E with my new friend Jacque B. as my roommate, and Lelainia, Tina, Sharon, Lana, and Joan. It was cool being in a house but I had to drive to all my classes. This is great if you forget things back in your room! I had Susan Wooldridge for Hidden Journal Poems on Thursday; Laurie Mika for 3-D ATCs on Friday, and Fred Mullet for Classic Rubber Fish on Saturday. They were awesome classes and I really enjoyed all of my class mates (as usual). I have good Art Fest Karma because I always end up sitting next to the nicest people-like Andrea in Susan's poetry class, Janice in Laurie's clay class, and Candice in Fred's rubber stamping class - thank you girls!
I also spent a bit of time on the beach this year, took some photos down there and went to the Journaling bonfire/party at the beach house too-always a treat.
Artist's Marketplace (vendor night) was fun-I waited to go until a bit later and Delorse and I had a nice time shopping around. I picked up some cool supplies and a pair of octopus earrings from Katherine England's table - way cool.
It's always so intense, exciting, fun, and exhausting. So, I decided to drive back home on Saturday night so I could sleep in my own bed and be with my boyfriend all day Sunday.
Guess what I got when I got home?
See my next post to find out what my big surprise was...