Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Back again

Well, I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. So many things have happened: I got a new day job at the same company back in June. Better pay, better boss-but then she quit. Getting busier there so I enjoy my time off by jumping into my art with more fervor.

My boyfriend and I are about to buy our first home - a town house in Issaquah - nice area and about 10 minutes from my sister's house. This has been quite an experience in itself...

Went to Art Fiber Fest, which started on my birthday this year and was in Port Townsend for the first time. It was awesome and I met a new friend Angelica from California.
This photo is the view from my sister and brother-in-law's condo on the Oregon Coast. It's beautiful!
OK, take care and I'll see you again soon.

1 comment:

Long Black Eyelahes said...

Hey Dawn! I loved meeting you too! You are such a nice, fun person. You have such positive energy around you. I love your blog, and the kangaroo farm is just so awesome! Angelica