Well, it's been how long since I posted??
My life has been busy for sure-I am so envious of people who blog daily or even weekly! I'll get there I think...just takes practice.
So, what have I been up to? I'll tell you...
I participated in 4 fat books for ArtFest this year - Fabric (4" x 4"), Paper 4x4, Paper 4" x 6" and Bee's fantabulous ATC Fat book! These are absolutely my favorite mementos of the weekend.
I also went to the beach journaling party for the first time - so cool!
Judy Wise thought I was bartending and tried to pay me for a beer! I could have made some extra $$ but knew it wasn't right-I couldn't believe she just went to grab her wallet when I told her they were $3.00 - HA! I also met some cool journal artists - Penelope, and Dianne from Long Island. We had been emailing each other and ended up staying in the same dorm (225) and same hall! (40's upstairs). I enjoyed her company and
her journals are so inspiring...check them out!
Here is a valentine I made this year...just a little goody to look at until I get my ArtFest photos uploaded.